Part 1: Digital Citizenship Education… Over 20 Essential Resources


Welcome to a series that examines the importance of facilitating digital citizenship with today’s students. First, to ensure you do not miss one of these valuable posts or other resources covering PBL, Digital Curriculum, Web 2.0, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration, please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS.  As always,  I invite you to follow me on twitter (@mjgormans). Please give this post a retweet and pass it on. Have a great week – Michael Gorman (21centuryedtech)

Booking Info – Are you looking for a practical and affordable professional development workshop for your school or conference?  I have traveled the country delivering PD relating to technology integration, PBL, STEM, Digital Literacy, and the 4 C’s. I have done 100′s of workshops and presentations.  Check out my Booking Page… Please contact me soon if you have an interest. It is not to early to think about planning PD for the next school year …. dates are  already beginning to fill!

Part 1: Digital Citizenship Education… Over 20 Essential Resources  (

In the last year I have been working toward building up our district e-curriculum. With this emphasis comes the need to also provide classroom educators and students with resources regarding proper learning and citizenship on the internet. I believe this is essential to the success of any e-learning, blended learning, and on-line learning program. In the next few post I wish to not only share resources, but also information I have either created or found in assisting teachers and students in promoting an e-learning environment that promotes learning, academics, safety, and 21st century learning. Don’t miss an upcoming post… sign up today and please give this post a retweet. It will definitely help you Professional Learning Community. Enjoy the start of these resources and look for ten more in the next post.

Common Sense Media Student Video Library
The Common Sense Media Student Video Library has more than 20 videos that are each 2-4 minutes long. Use them in conjunction with their corresponding lesson plans, or use them to jump start a conversation with your students

Digital Citizenship Classroom Posters
Download these from Common Sense Media colorful POSTERS to remind your students about digital citizenship and device care and maintenance. These posters could be the perfect addition to any classroom.

Digital Citizenship Scope and Sequence
Use Common Sense Media’s Scope & Sequence tool to find the lessons that are just right for your classroom. These cross-curricular units spiral to address digital literacy and citizenship topics in an age-appropriate way. Browse by grade band or click a category to highlight the lessons that address that topic. You can download a PDF of the Scope and Sequence (en español).

Free Cyber-bullying Tool Kits For all levels of teachers 
Click link for what you might need: Elementary…Middle School…High School 
Every day, you see how Cyber-bullying hurts students, disrupts classrooms, and impacts your school’s culture. So how should you handle it? What are the right things to do and say? What can you do today that will help your students avoid this pitfall of our digital world? Common Sense Media has created these free toolkit to help you take on those questions and take an effective stand against Cyber-bullying. So start here. Use it now. Rely on it to start your year off right.

PBS Webonauts Academy 
Webonauts Internet Academy is a web original game for PBS KIDS GO! that gives kids 8- to 10-year-old an opportunity to have some fun while exploring what it means to be a citizen in a web-infused‚ information-rich world. It is an engaging experience on its own but becomes all the more powerful when parents and teachers use game play as a springboard for conversations about media literacy and citizenship in the 21st Century.

Netsmartz Teens was created through a partnership between Sprint® and the Internet safety experts at NetSmartz® Workshop, a program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®. Through animated videos, short films, games, and interactive comics, NSTeens teaches tweens and teens about making safer choices online. Teaching materials are available for intermediate, middle school, and high school educators so they can bring these engaging lessons right into the classroom. All resources on are available free of charge. Check out the how to use page…. 

Netzsmarts Workshop
Check out the workshop page where you will find material for different groups. NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, and educators. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates.

Here you will find a goldmine of wonderful resources with some great suggestions for working with kids of all ages. Examples:

  •  Fauxpaw for Early Elementary – – This is an engaging program that any young student will enjoy and learn from.
  • ·Privacy and Reputation Online – – Great idea starter and also be sure to take a look at the guide which contains lesson plans –
  •  Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum –  This curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. Each workshop contains a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation.

Digital Education Revolution 
This Australian Website asks the question, Do you use the internet to share information about yourself or others, communicate with friends, comment on what you see online, play games, get material for an assignment or buy stuff online? If you answered YES to any of these, you are a digital citizen. Why is digital citizenship important?  Do you want to get the best out of using the internet and keep yourself and others safe and healthy in an online world? Use these materials to learn what it takes to become a positive digital citizen

Media Education Lab
The Media Education Lab from the University of Rhode Island is one of the leading providers of multimedia curriculum resources for K-12 media literacy education. Take advantage of our extensive collection of free resources. You will be amazed at tall of the digital and media education possibilities.

Thanks for joining me on this wonderful journey of 21st century digital citizenship resources and be ready for ten more resources next.  Join me in future weeks as together we continue to explore several more posts devoted to the Flipped Classrooms, Project Based Learning, Assessing 21st century skills, technology integration, web resources, and digital literacy.  I enjoy learning from all of you. Also remember to subscribe to this blog by RSS or email and follow me on twitter at mjgormans.  I also appreciate your sharing of this post and any retweets. Keep  up the amazing work,  have a great week, and enjoy the resources! – Mike Gorman

Booking Info – Are you looking for a practical and affordable professional development workshop for your school or conference?  I have traveled the country delivering PD relating to technology integration, PBL, STEM, Digital Literacy, and the 4 C’s. I have done 100′s of workshops and presentations.  Check out my Booking Page… Those 2014 dates are going fast.


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2 responses to “Part 1: Digital Citizenship Education… Over 20 Essential Resources

  1. Hey Michael,

    Was trying to leave this in an email for you but unfortunately could not locate the contact form on your blog. You’ve blogged about the different ways technology is changing, and flipping the classroom. A few friends and I are currently building a new tool for MOOC students that I would love to hear your feedback on.

    We believe that the reason for the low engagement and low completion rates on platforms like Coursera are as a result of two key missing ingredients – interaction & motivation. We created Wisely to help MOOC students reach their goals. Key features include: financial rewards for achieving goals, aggregate dashboard to track upcoming deadlines across courses on all MOOC platforms and the ability to meet and engage with online classmates through studyrooms and chat. We are passionate about solving the problems in this space to help students take better advantage of the potential that MOOCs offer. Please take a look at Would love to hear your feedback!



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